Asnat Bell adalah seorang perempuan asal Nusa Tenggara Timur yang berprofesi sebagai guru honor di Pedalaman NTT . Setiap harinya ia mengajar selama 7 jam dan mengajar 9 mata pelajaran . Sejak mengajar dari Tahun 2002 hingga sekarang, gaji yang terima pun hanya 50 ribu perbulan, gajinya turun kadang 3 - 4 bulan. Dengan 50 ribu gajinya sebagai guru honor di SD terpencil ini, Asnat bell juga harus menghidupi 3 orang anaknya dan keluarganya.
Asenath Bell was a woman from East Nusa Tenggara who are teachers salaries in Inland NTT. Every day he taught for 7 hours and 9 subjects taught. Since Since teaching from 2002 to the present, the salary received was only 50 thousand per month, his salary down sometimes 3-4 months.With 50 thousand salary as an elementary school teacher salaries in this remote, Asenath bell also have to feed 3 children and their families
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Asnat Bell is a woman from NTT that works as a honor teacher in NTT inland. Everyday she taught for 7 hours and 9 lessons. She taught since 2002 until now, and her honor just 50 thousand each months. Sometimes her honor would down for 3-4 months. With a 50 thousands as a teacher in this inland primary school, Asnat Bell must fulfill the necessary of his 3 children and her family. (*semoga membantu)
(*semoga membantu)