Ubah ke dalam b.Inggris 1. Diterapkannya peraturan seragam baru agar kita bisa membedakan antara siswa baru dan siswa lama. 2. Untuk seragam baru yang harus dikeluarkan (khusus untuk perempuan) itu sangat bagus karna bisa menutupi aurat perempuan. 3. Memakai baju Pramuka itu tidak harus di hari Jum'at dan memakai baju batik juga tidak harus di hari Selasa.
1. Applying new uniform rules so that we can distinguish between new students and old 2. For new uniforms that must be issued (especially for women) it is very good because it can cover the woman's genitals 3. Wearing scout clothes that do not have to Friday and wear batik clothes also do not have to Tuesday
Applying new uniform rules so that we can distinguish between new students and old
For new uniforms that must be issued (especially for women) it is very good because it can cover the woman's genitals
Wearing scout clothes that do not have to Friday and wear batik clothes also do not have to Tuesday