Ułążę po 2 pytania lub twierdzenia ze zdań...
Preswnt Continius:
1.On ogląda teraz telewizję.
He is wotching TV now.
2.Pani Brown w tym momencie pracuje.
Mrs Brown is woring at the n
3.Oni rozmawiaja podczadczas lekcju.
They tolking during lessons.
4.Co teraz jesz na śniadanie?
What are you withg for brekfast?
Present Simple..
1.Ona zawsze oglada telewizje po pónocy
she always watches TV after
2.czy pani Brown ciezko pracuje?
does Mrs Brown work hord?
3.dlaczego oni zawsze rozmawiaja podczas lekcji?
why do theys talk during lessons?
4.na sniadanie zwykle jadam kanapkę.
I usualy eat sundwitch brekfast.
Przepraszam za niedokonczone zdania ale nie zdązyłam pszepisac . I wogule nie wiem o co w tym chodzi.Płagam pomuszcie mi mam to na jutro i nie umiem.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. He is watching tv now.
What is he doing now?
2.Mrs Brown is working at this moment.
What is Mrs Brown doing at the moment?
3. They are talking during the lesson.
What are they doing during the lesson?
4.What are you eating for brekfast?
I'm eating a sandwich as a brekfast now.
1. She always watches Tv after midnight.
What does she do after midnight?
2.Does Mrs Brown work hard?
Mrs Brown works really hard as a teacher.
3.Why do they talk during lessons?
They are talk during the lessons, because they understand a lesson.
4. I ususally eat sandwich for brekfast.
What do you usually eat for brekfast?
Tak mi sie wydaje. Gramatycznie na 99% wszystko jest poprawnie, natomiast nie mam pewności, że dobrze zrozumiałam zadanie. Jak dla mnie tutaj trzeba było dopisac pytania do odpowiedzi twierdzących i odpowiedzi twoierdzące do pytań w odpowiednich czasach. Mam nadzieję, że o to chodziło i pomogłam;)
1. He is watching tv now.
What is he doing now?
2.Mrs Brown is working at the moment.
What is Mrs Brown doing at the moment?
3. They are talking during the lesson.
What are they doing during the lesson?
4.What are you eating for brekfast?
I'm eating a sandwich for brekfast now.
1. She always watches Tv after midnight.
What does she do after midnight?
2.Does Mrs Brown work hard?
Mrs Brown works really hard as a teacher.
3.Why do they talk during lessons?
They talk during the lessons, because they are bored.
4. I ususally eat a sandwich for brekfast.
What do you usually eat for brekfast?
Wydaje mi się, że o to chodzi, ale pewna nie jeatem... A gramatycznie na 100% ok.