October 2018 1 20 Report

Tylko przeczytać i sprawdzić czy są jakieś rażące błędy . Z góry dziękuję !

I am writing to you because I want to tell about what happened last weekend.
It was 6 o`clock in the evening and I was walking through the street with my friend. Suddenly I saw a man wearing black clothes with a gun in his hand. He entered the shop. I immediately took my phone and called a police. I heard a gunshot and I saw the man who ran out of the shop. The man wound the shop assistant and for sure something stolen. I ran to the shop and I waited with him for the ambulance, and then went to the police to tell about the crime. Few days ago they told me that offender event not live. The shop assistant thanked me, and that was the end of my story.
Take care and see you soon.

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