Tylko prosze napisac samodzielnie a nie z internetu i nie z google tłumacz - daje naj!
E-mail do kolezanki, ma byc o weekendzie a najwazniejsze co musi w nim sie znalazc to: - przywitac sie na wstepie, - przeprosic ze dlugo nie odpowiadalas na jej e-mail, - spytac co u niej slychac, czy miala ciekawy weekend, - opowiedziec jej o dwoch dobrych rzeczaj i jednej zlej ktora mnie spotkala w weekend, -porzegnac sie i zaprosic ja do siebie.
to najwazniejsze co ma sie znalesc w tym e-mailu. ma byc nie dlugi i nie za krotki. tylko nie z neta blagam.
Hi Mary, I'm sorry that i haven't written for a long time. I was very busy. How are you? And how did you spend last weekend? My weekend was quite good. In Saturday i had a rest, becouse as you know, i had exam last week and i learned very intensive. However in Sunday my friend Tina invited me to club and i had a lot of fun! ! And when we were coming home, i met my boyfriend and he took me for a dinner. It was so nice of him. Unfortunelly i lost my keys to home, and i couldn't get home! I have no idea where they are. How about Friday evening in my place? Take care, XYZ
I'm sorry that i haven't written for a long time. I was very busy.
How are you? And how did you spend last weekend?
My weekend was quite good. In Saturday i had a rest, becouse as you know, i had exam last week and i learned very intensive. However in Sunday my friend Tina invited me to club and i had a lot of fun! ! And when we were coming home, i met my boyfriend and he took me for a dinner. It was so nice of him. Unfortunelly i lost my keys to home, and i couldn't get home! I have no idea where they are.
How about Friday evening in my place?
Take care,