Twoja koleżanka z Anglii zaprosiła cię do swojego domu na święta wielkanocne. Napisz do niej list, w którym:
- wyjaśnisz, dlaczego nie możesz przyjąć zaproszenia -opiszesz, jak ty i twoja rodzina spędzacie święta -zaproponujesz jej spędzenie świąt w twoim domu -poinformujesz jak zamierzasz uatrakcyjnić jej pobyt
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów. Pamietaj, że heh długość powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów
kacpi34563Hey, Abby! I'm sorry but I can not come to you because parents do not have the money to make me come to you. My family and I always spend the holidays with his grandmother and grandfather. I meet up with cousins and we all sing the Christmas tree. After singing we have a feast. We eat carp because Yiddish borscht with dumplings, pickled herring, eggs and chicken. I hope you come to me, it would be great and once again I'm sorry I could not come to you but I hope they come to me for Christmas.
I'm sorry but I can not come to you because parents do not have the money to make me come to you.
My family and I always spend the holidays with his grandmother and grandfather.
I meet up with cousins and we all sing the Christmas tree.
After singing we have a feast.
We eat carp because Yiddish borscht with dumplings, pickled herring, eggs and chicken.
I hope you come to me, it would be great and once again I'm sorry I could not come to you but I hope they come to me for Christmas.