Twoja koleżanka z Anglii zaprosiła cię do swojego domu na Święta Wielkanocne. Napisz do niej list, w którym: • wyjaśnisz, dlaczego nie możesz przyjąć zaproszenia • odpiszesz, jak ty i twoja rodzina spędzacie święta • zaproponujesz jej spędzenie świąt w twoim domu • poinformujesz jak zamierzasz uatrakcyjnić jej pobyt . Od 80 do 130słów ( najlepiej bliżej 80 słów niż 130 ) Aby było jak najprościej napisane :-)
Hi Emily, I hope you're doing fine. Thank you for inviting me but I have bad news. I really can't come to you this Easter. I'm sorry. Me and my family are going to a trip around our country. We will celebrate Easter in few cities including Zakopane, Ustka, Warsaw. I'm really happy because of it but also worried that I can't be with you. But my mother has a perfect idea. Your family can come to us, we would spend few days in trip - we have accommodation so don't worry. Talk with parents, it would be amazing to be there with you. We will have good time, shopping and meeting people all around the Poland! I hope your parent will agree. Kisses, XYZ
I hope you're doing fine. Thank you for inviting me but I have bad news. I really can't come to you this Easter. I'm sorry. Me and my family are going to a trip around our country. We will celebrate Easter in few cities including Zakopane, Ustka, Warsaw. I'm really happy because of it but also worried that I can't be with you. But my mother has a perfect idea. Your family can come to us, we would spend few days in trip - we have accommodation so don't worry. Talk with parents, it would be amazing to be there with you. We will have good time, shopping and meeting people all around the Poland! I hope your parent will agree. Kisses,