wyobraz sobie,że twój kolega/twoja koleżanka ma nowe zwierzątko-węża.odegrajcie jak w ćw. 1.ma być ładnie.
napisze ci po polsku sam przetlumaczysz...
cześć słyszałam ze masz nowe zwierzatko czy to prawda .?
hei tak owszem jest to prawda
jakie to zwierzatko
to waz
ooooojej rety fajnie...
Imiona zrobię takie same i myślę, że tekst może na początku brzmiec podobnie.
Frank : Hi Sue! Would you like to see my new pet?
Sue : Od course! What is it?
Frank : Look, it's a snake. He is small yet.
Sue : Oh no! Please, get it away from me!
Frank : Why?
Sue : I'm afraid of snakes since I was a child!
Frank : Don't exaggerate! I think it's beautiful.
Sue : Are you sure that he won't bite me?
Frank : Yes, definitely. I hold it and I'm OK. Would you like to try?
Sue : I don't know... Not now. I must go. Bye.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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napisze ci po polsku sam przetlumaczysz...
cześć słyszałam ze masz nowe zwierzatko czy to prawda .?
hei tak owszem jest to prawda
jakie to zwierzatko
to waz
ooooojej rety fajnie...
Imiona zrobię takie same i myślę, że tekst może na początku brzmiec podobnie.
Frank : Hi Sue! Would you like to see my new pet?
Sue : Od course! What is it?
Frank : Look, it's a snake. He is small yet.
Sue : Oh no! Please, get it away from me!
Frank : Why?
Sue : I'm afraid of snakes since I was a child!
Frank : Don't exaggerate! I think it's beautiful.
Sue : Are you sure that he won't bite me?
Frank : Yes, definitely. I hold it and I'm OK. Would you like to try?
Sue : I don't know... Not now. I must go. Bye.