twoja klasa nawiązala kontakt z uczniami ze szkoly w norwegi.przygotowyja oni gazetke na temat waszej szkoly i prosza o rozne informacje .napisz krotka notatke dotyczaca regulaminu szkolnego.wyjasnij jakie sa zasady. musze dodac must i musn't
zachowania na lekcji
uzywanie telefonow komorkowych
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In our school students mustn't smoking. It is strictly prohibited. For breaking the ban is punishment, namely cleaning all scholl after lessons.
Students must wear uniforms. It is blue sweater and black trausers. They can wear shoes which they like.
Students definitely mustn't use mobile phones during thr lessons. It is written in the statutes of the school.
It is known that student must keep calm during the lessons ang be active. Active students are rewarded with positive mark.