Twoj kolega z Wielkiej Brytanii zamierza przyjechac do Polski ze swoja dziewczyna i poprosil cie o wskazowki dotyczace wyjazdu. Napisz emaila z odpowiedzią.
*zaproponuj koledze miejsce ktore powinni odwiedzic *wyjasnij dlaczego warto je zobaczyc *odradz mu mu odwiedzenie innego miejsca *opisz nie miła przygode ktora cie tam spotkala Rozwin wypowiedz w kazdym z czterech podpunktow. Dlugosc emaila od 80 do 130 slow. Teskt ma byc latwy w odbiorze. Napisz takze jak dotrzec do tych miejsc ktore warto odwiedzic . Z gory dzieki ;)
Hello! Sorry that I am not writing to you because I was very busy. I think that You should visit castle on the Wawel. This place is very important for every polish people. There had lived a lot of polish king and Kraków was capital Poland. If you want to , you should visit castle of Warsaw and another monunents for example Łazienki. When I was in kraków I felt nicely event. During visit a castle I lost in the castle and searched way to exit I visited important room . You should go to the train in the station number two, and after 10 minutes you will be in the Wawel . In the Warsaw you should go to the underground and later walk . If you wanto ot more information ,please write back to me.
Sorry that I am not writing to you because I was very busy.
I think that You should visit castle on the Wawel. This place is very important for every polish people. There had lived a lot of polish king and Kraków was capital Poland. If you want to , you should visit castle of Warsaw and another monunents for example Łazienki. When I was in kraków I felt nicely event. During visit a castle I lost in the castle and searched way to exit I visited important room .
You should go to the train in the station number two, and after 10 minutes you will be in the Wawel . In the Warsaw you should go to the underground and later walk .
If you wanto ot more information ,please write back to me.