Twój anglojęzyczny współlokator jest chory i śpi,a ty musiz wyjśćz domu . napisz wiadomość,a w niej : wyjasnij przyczyne swojeje nieobecnosci,poinformuj ,kiedy wroćisz,przypomnij o braniu lekarstw zgodnie z zaleceniem lekarza , zachęć go?ją do wypoczywania.
i have to go out to the store because we're out of toilet parer. i wont be long so dont worry i'll try to come back as soon as posible. the store's just down the road so i'll probably be back before you wake up but is you do don't forget to take your medication and rest. when i come back i'll do everything you just rest. i'll be back soon.
hey justyna,
i have to go out to the store because we're out of toilet parer. i wont be long so dont worry i'll try to come back as soon as posible. the store's just down the road so i'll probably be back before you wake up but is you do don't forget to take your medication and rest. when i come back i'll do everything you just rest. i'll be back soon.