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My favourite film / TV programme is ... . It’s ... proszę o tylko dobre odpowiedzi spopiowane i z tłumacz usuwam dam najjjj proszeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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One television show I like a lot, is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Despite it would sound like it's a show decisively targeted to infant girls, even an older audience can enjoy things that are being shown in there. Many matters are related to teens and mature people, hence no doubt we could say it has a couple of valuable messages.
The characters feature six ponies living in the land of Equestria, in a village named Ponyville. Their names are Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy, with each having her own personality and charm that can be barely found in most others TV shows.
It may appear as an ordinary childish fable, but it really is not. Most episodes are ended with a special kind of a summary, which works as a lesson of friendship. It can be generally said like each episode had a moral, like a real fable. Also, the overall of this animation, the design of the characters, all these things are really cute and enjoyable, making MLP a pretty great show.
I write to give an opinion on one of the TV programmes. It’s ‘Cooking is fun’ directed by a wellknown cook, Stiven Watson. It may not seem to be very interesting, but let me explain what a good this programme makes to people.
Most of us doesn’t like to cook and usually buys food which is almost ready to serve. And I was one of those before I switched on the TV once. Stiven teaches step by step, that cooking can be easy and what’s more, pleasant. The recipes he gives are clearly understood, and all the pieces of the dish, you are going to make, are easy to buy. That puts you in a comfortable situation in which you feel that you are able to do it. Following the instructions, you can make a great supper or bake a delicious cake withouth too much difficulties. All you need is a good will. That’s why I appreciate this programme, because it’s not for the best, for those who already tasted cooking. It’s for those who think that kitchen is the part of the house, where they don’t need to come in, unless they want to have a drink.
I give the highest mark to the producers and I hope they won’t give up persuading that cooking is fun.