que opinas sobre el aborto , todo lo que sepan sobre el aborto pero todo en contra .. por favor urgente :)
1 párrafo y un poco mas .. por favor ;)
El aborot es algo ilegal a partir de los cuatro meses es como un asesinato contra la voluntad beuno siempre es asi pero en este caso el bebe no puede defenderse,existen lugares donde abortasn pero esos son ilegales, se esconden. La mayoria que abortan son por tienen problemas familiares.
Ingles:Abortion is something illegal from the four months is as an assassination against the will is always good as well but in this case the baby can not defend itself, there are places where abortion but those are illegal, they hide. Most who abort are by family problems.
Ingles:Abortion is something illegal from the four months is as an assassination against the will is always good as well but in this case the baby can not defend itself, there are places where abortion but those are illegal, they hide. Most who abort are by family problems.