Tuliskan menu dan sub menu yang ada dalam baris menu microsoft excel
1. Menu File: New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Save As Web Page, Save Workspace, Web Page Preview, Page Setup, Print Area, Print Preview, Print, Send To, Properties, Exit.
2. Menu Edit: Undo, Repeat, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Special, Paste as Hyperlink, Fill, Clear, Delete, Delete Sheet, Move or Crop Sheet, Find, Replace, Go To, Links, Object
3. Menu View: Normal, Page Break Preview, Toolbars, Formula Bar, Header dan Footer, Comments, Custom Views, Full Screen, Zoom.
7. Menu Data: Sort, Filter, Form, Subtotals, Validation, Table, Teks to Columns, Consolidate, Group and Outline, Pivot Table and PivotChart Report, Get External Data, Refresh Data
8. Menu Window: New Window, Arrange, Hide, Unhide, Split, Freeze Panes.
9. Menu Help Microsoft Excel Help, Show the Office Assistant, What’s This?, Office on the Web, Lotus 1-2-3 Help, Detect and Repair, About Microsoft Excel.
New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Save As Web Page, Save Workspace, Web Page Preview, Page Setup, Print Area, Print Preview, Print, Send To, Properties, Exit.
2. Menu Edit:
Undo, Repeat, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Special, Paste as Hyperlink, Fill, Clear, Delete, Delete Sheet, Move or Crop Sheet, Find, Replace, Go To, Links, Object
3. Menu View:
Normal, Page Break Preview, Toolbars, Formula Bar, Header dan Footer, Comments, Custom Views, Full Screen, Zoom.
4. Menu Insert:
Cells, Rows, Columns, Woorksheet, Chart, Page Break, Function, Name, Comment, Picture, AutoShapes, Object, Hyperlink.
5. Menu Format:
Cells,Row, Column, Sheet, Auto Format, Conditional Formatting, Style.
6. Menu Tools:
Spelling, Autocorrect, Share Workbook, Track Changes, Merge Workbooks, Protection, Online Collaboration, Goal Seek, Scenarios, Auditing, Macro, Add-Ins, Customize, Options.
7. Menu Data:
Sort, Filter, Form, Subtotals, Validation, Table, Teks to Columns, Consolidate,
Group and Outline, Pivot Table and PivotChart Report, Get External Data, Refresh Data
8. Menu Window:
New Window, Arrange, Hide, Unhide, Split, Freeze Panes.
9. Menu Help
Microsoft Excel Help, Show the Office Assistant, What’s This?, Office on the Web, Lotus 1-2-3 Help, Detect and Repair, About Microsoft Excel.