Tuliskan kegunaan dari BENDA-BENDA YANG ADA DI KELAS: -meja -kursi -lemari -globe -papan tulis -pintu -jendela -AC -foto presiden dan wkil presiden Indonesia DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS!!!!
Kelas : VII Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kategori : things in the classroom Kata Kunci : use, vocabularies
Pembahasan : - Meja : Table used as a surface for writing - Kursi : Chair used to sit - Lemari : Cupboard used to storing books or things- Globe Used to learning- Papan tulis : Blackboard or whiteboard used to writing the lesson- Pintu : Door Used as entrance- Jendela : Window Used to allowing the passage of light, sound, and/or air.- AC Used to freezing or cooling the room - Foto Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Indonesia : President and Vice Precident picture Used to respecting and honouring our leader
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : things in the classroom
Kata Kunci : use, vocabularies
Pembahasan :
- Meja : Table
used as a surface for writing
- Kursi : Chair
used to sit - Lemari : Cupboard
used to storing books or things- Globe
Used to learning- Papan tulis : Blackboard or whiteboard
used to writing the lesson- Pintu : Door
Used as entrance- Jendela : Window
Used to allowing the passage of light, sound, and/or air.- AC
Used to freezing or cooling the room - Foto Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Indonesia : President and Vice Precident picture
Used to respecting and honouring our leader