Tuliskan Deskripsi Tentang Sekolah??? plisss bantuinnn
Sekolah adalah tempat kita mencari ilmu. banyak pahlawan tanpa jasa yg siap membagi ilmunya untuk kita. tempat dimana kita mengenal apa saja huruf abjad.tempat dimana kita mengenal angka angka.tempat dimana kita diajarkan untuk berakhlak mahmudah dan menjauhi akhlak mazmumah.banyak ilmu yg kita dapat darinya. semoga membantu thanks
Learning was important for the future of children.Pupils learnt how to read and write the alphabet in their school.They wrote with a tool called pencil or pen,on a notebook.They used the pointed end of the pen to write numbers or letters in the notebook.Pupils also learnt maths they're school.Pupils learnt to play musical instruments such as piano,gitar and other musical instruments.Physical fitness was also emphasised in school.
semoga membantu thanks
Learning was important for the future of children.Pupils learnt how to read and write the alphabet in their school.They wrote with a tool called pencil or pen,on a notebook.They used the pointed end of the pen to write numbers or letters in the notebook.Pupils also learnt maths they're school.Pupils learnt to play musical instruments such as piano,gitar and other musical instruments.Physical fitness was also emphasised in school.