Tuliskan aturan dilarang tentang rumah dan sekolah.. (minimal 5) tolongg dijawabbb...
Dilarang gaduh dilarang mencontek dilarang membawa HP dilarang terlambat dilarang bolos
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Home: 1. Dont smoke in the house 2.Do not leave dirty dishes 3.Do not sleep to late 4.Do not play gadgets To much 5.Do not skip food
School 1.Do not go out from the class unless your teacher says so 2.Do not smoke 3.Do not bring cell phone 4.Do Not be late 5.Do not bring any weapons or anything dangerous
dilarang mencontek
dilarang membawa HP
dilarang terlambat
dilarang bolos
1. Dont smoke in the house
2.Do not leave dirty dishes
3.Do not sleep to late
4.Do not play gadgets To much
5.Do not skip food
1.Do not go out from the class unless your teacher says so
2.Do not smoke
3.Do not bring cell phone
4.Do Not be late
5.Do not bring any weapons or anything dangerous
Semoga Membantu , Sorry kalo ada yang salah