Tugas:: B. Inggris ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Arrange these sentences into a good dialogue! ( Susunlah kalimat-kalimat ini menjadi dialog yang baik! )
Billy : It's okay. I can walk there by myself. Roni : Let me help you Billy : Thanks, Ron. Roni : Oh, Billy! Are you okay? Roni :No. I insist. Roni : Not at all, Billy. Roni : Billy, your nose is bleeding . Billy : I think I must go to the nurse's office Billy : I feel dizzy a bit! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Syarat :: • Jawaban harus benar • Boleh pakai penjelasan • Jangan ngasal • Jangan ambil poin aja
i feel dizzy
let me help you
thanks ron
its okay i can walk there by my self
Oh billy are you okay?
billy ur nose is bleeding
No i insist
Not at all billy
I Think i must go to nurse's office
Roni : Oh, Billy! Are you okay?
Billy : I feel dizzy a bit!
Roni : Billy, your nose is bleeding .
Billy : I think I must go to the nurse's office
Roni : Let me help you
Billy : It's okay. I can walk there by myself.
Roni :No. I insist.
Billy : Thanks, Ron.
Roni : Not at all, Billy.