~TUGAS PR~ . Note: Soal terlampir. . Syarat untuk menjawab soal : ● Dilarang jawaban berupa komentar spam atau asal²an. ● Dilarang copas jawaban dari google. ● Jawabannya harus disertai dengan penjelasan yang masuk akal. ● Gunakanlah kata-kata jawabanmu sendiri yang baik dan benar.
A. The centres will merge next month. (The word "two" is not necessary as it is clear from context that only two centres are merging)
B. Please refer my investigation report on the incident. (The words "back to" are not necessary as it is implied that the reader is being asked to refer back to the report)
C. Management congratulates the marketing team on the HKMA award. (The words "would like to take this opportunity to" are not necessary as it is clear from context that the management wants to express congratulations)
D. Your account shows a balance of $5888.50. (The words "I am writing to tell you that" are not necessary as it is clear from the context of the letter that the writer is communicating the information to the reader)
E. The board approved the proposal 9 to 3. (The words "came to the decision to" and "by majority of" are not necessary as it is clear from the context that the board made a decision to approve the proposal and the majority is indicated by the vote count)
Please refer to my investigation report on the incident.
The management would like to congratulate our marketing team on the HKMA award.
Your account shows a balance of $5888.50.
The board approved the proposal by a majority of 9 to 3.
Jawaban dicetak tebal sesuai perintah soal yang mengharuskan kita untuk menghapuskan kata-kata yang tidak perlu agar kalimat tidak mubazir (Redundant) dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
The two centres will merge next month. Kita menghilangkan kata "together" karena kata "merge" sudah memiliki arti penyatuan sehingga tidak perlu ditambahkan dengan kata together lagi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kalimat
Please refer to my investigation report on the incident. Kita menghilangkan kata "back" karena kata "refer to" itu artinya merujuk / mengacu kepada dalam hal ini laporan dari peristiwa lampau sehingga tidak perlu ditambahkan dengan kata back lagi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kalimat
The management would like to congratulate our marketing team on the HKMA award. Kita menghilangkan kala-kata "to take this opportunity" karena ingin meningkatkan efisiensi kalimat dengan langsung menyatakan keinginan secara langsung, directly to the point (langsung menuju intinya), without further ado (tanpa basa basi)
Your account shows a balance of $5888.50. Kita menghilangkan kata-kata "I'm writing to tell you that" untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kalimat dengan langsung menyatakan inti dari pesan yang ingin disampaikan
The board approved the proposal by a majority of 9 to 3. Kita menghilangkan kata-kata "came to the decision to approve" dengan menyingkatnya langsung menggunakan kata "The board approved" karena itulah inti dari pesannya
Kata "efisiensi (Efficient)" memiliki makna mampu menghasilkan hasil yang diinginkan tanpa membuang bahan, waktu, atau energi dan dalam konteks ini agar kalimatnya tidak mubazir (Redundant).
A. The centres will merge next month. (The word "two" is not necessary as it is clear from context that only two centres are merging)
B. Please refer my investigation report on the incident. (The words "back to" are not necessary as it is implied that the reader is being asked to refer back to the report)
C. Management congratulates the marketing team on the HKMA award. (The words "would like to take this opportunity to" are not necessary as it is clear from context that the management wants to express congratulations)
D. Your account shows a balance of $5888.50. (The words "I am writing to tell you that" are not necessary as it is clear from the context of the letter that the writer is communicating the information to the reader)
E. The board approved the proposal 9 to 3. (The words "came to the decision to" and "by majority of" are not necessary as it is clear from the context that the board made a decision to approve the proposal and the majority is indicated by the vote count)
Verified answer
General Knowledge:
Jawaban dicetak tebal sesuai perintah soal yang mengharuskan kita untuk menghapuskan kata-kata yang tidak perlu agar kalimat tidak mubazir (Redundant) dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Kata "efisiensi (Efficient)" memiliki makna mampu menghasilkan hasil yang diinginkan tanpa membuang bahan, waktu, atau energi dan dalam konteks ini agar kalimatnya tidak mubazir (Redundant).
Semoga membantu ya.