April 2019 1 29 Report
Tsunami is a Japanese word from a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake, ladslide, or eruption.

Most tsunamis happen along the Ring of Fire. It is a zone of volcanoes and seismic activity. The zone encircles the Pacific Ocean.

Historically, tsunamis have caused much destruction and death. Since 1819, about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaian Islands and since 1883, aboput 20 tsunamis lave struck Indonesia. The last one was on December 26, 2004, which caused over 100,000 deaths.

Recently, tsunamis have struck many cities in Japan on March 11th, 2011. They have killed thousands people and have damaged everything. A tsunami can have width of 100 to 200 km and may spread far across the deep ocean. The speed is as fast as a jet plane. When the wave reaches land it can be very hidh, about 15 m or more.

State the statement is True or False based on the text above!
1. The word "Tsunami" come from Javanese.
2. Mount's eruption didn't cause many tsunamis.
3. Tsunamis can only happen in Japan.
4. Tsunami are caused by undersea earthquakesor landslides.
5. The Ring of Fire is the area of volcanoes and seismic sctivity.
6. Tsunami are very high.
7. Tsunamis have never caused much destruction and death.
8. The first tsunami in Indonesia was on December 26, 2004.
9. The speed of the wave can be as fast as a jet plane.
10. The last tsunami in Indonesia caused less than 100,000 deaths.

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