Trzeba uzupełnić text podanymi wyrazami:
eat, feed, drink, swim, lose ( gubić, przegrywać), forget (zapominac), get up (wstawać)
1-Can I give the elephant my sandwich?
- No. You....... the animals
2 Can I borrow you alarm clock?
I........late tomorrow
3 His teeth are very bad. He.... so many sweet things
4 The water in the river is very dirty. You .... in it.
5 Look after your passport. YOu ...... it.
6 -Doctor, I can't sleep at nights.
- You......... so much coffee
7 I.....................that it's Jim's birthday next week.
Dla Uściślenia powiem,ze wyrazy trzeba wpisać w wykropkowane miejsca, dodając na początek MUST, MUSN'T
daję naj!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2.get up
1. musn't feed
2. musn't get up
3. musn't eat
4. musn't swim
5. musn't lose
6. musn't drink
7. musn't forget
Myślę, że powinno być dobrze :D
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