Translate the sentances into English
1. Film juz sie zacznie, gdy dotrzemy do kina
2. Uwaza sie, ze zamek zostal wybudowany w 12 wieku
3. Spytalem Chrisa, kiedy przyjdzie
4. Kate i Mick oglosili, ze zamierzaja sie pobrac
5. Pogratulowalam Samowi zdania testu na prawo jazdy
6. Harriet zasugerowala, zebym postral sie o prace w reklamie
7. Kto ci dal tamta ksiazke?
8. Komu dales tamta ksiazke?
9. Nie udalo mi sie ciebie przeoknac, nieprawdaz?
10. 'Joe przyznal, ze sklamal' 'Naprawde?'
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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movie will start whe we will reach the cinema
we believe that castle was built in 12 century
I've asked kris when will he come
Kate and Mick announced that they thinking about marriage
I have congratulated Sam for passind the exam for diving license
Harriet suggested that I should look for a job in a comercial
Who gave you that book?
Who you gave that book to?
I didn't convince you,did I?
Joel told me that he was lying, isn't that true?
Proszę bardzo :))))