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Idolaku adalah ibuku. Dia lrang yang baik,ramah,dan lucu
Ibuku adalah orang yg sangat istimewa dalam hidup ku.saat ini umurnya sekitar 34 tahun. Dia berkacamata dan memakai kerudung. Dia memiliki hidung yang kecil,mata yg lebar,rambut panjang yg hitam,wajah yg bulat dan memiliki kulit yg kecoklatan. Ibuku memiliki hobi memasak. Masakanny selalu enak. Makanan kesukaanny adalah bakso dan durian. Ibuku selalu tersenyum ketika bertemu dengan orang lain walau pun dia tak mengenalny. Ibuku selalu membersihkan rumah karena dia sangat tidak suka jika rumahnya kotar.
Ibu saya sangat disiplin karena itu saya mengidolakanny
My idol is my mother. He's a nice, friendly, and funny person.
My mother is a very special person in my life. At this age is about 34 years. She's wearing glasses and wearing a veil. She has a small nose, wide eyes, long black hair, a round face, and a brownish complexion. My mom has a hobby of cooking. The cuisine is always delicious. His favorite food is meatballs and durian. My mother always smiles when she meets with other people even if she does not know her. My mother always cleaned the house because she really did not like it when her house was dirty.
My mother is very disciplined, therefore I idolized her.
Semoga membantu:)
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My mom is special person of my life.this time she is 34 years old.she wearing glasses and wearing a veil.long black hair,the face is round and has a brownish mom has a cooking hobby.the cuisine is always delicious.her favorite food is meatballs and mom always smile when meet someone even she dont know mom always cleaning house because she dont like if her house dirty
My mother is a very special person in my life. At this age is about 34 years. She's wearing glasses and wearing a veil. She has a small nose, wide eyes, long black hair, a round face, and a brownish complexion. My mom has a hobby of cooking. The cuisine is always delicious. His favorite food is meatballs and durian. My mother always smiles when she meets with other people even if she does not know her. My mother always cleaned the house because she really did not like it when her house was dirty.
My mother is very disciplined, therefore I idolized her.
Semoga membantu:)
my mom very discipline because that i idolize it
semoga ini bisa membantu anda