Zad. 1-Ułóż zdania w II trybie warunkowym. 1. If is/was sunny, we will play/would play tennis. 2. I`d go/went skiing if it be/were less expensive. 3. We woildn`t lose/won`t lose so many matches if we train/trained more. zad. 2-Napisz zdania z wykorzystaniem zaimków względnych. 1. That`s Mrs Gregory. She is my Music teacher. (who) 2. That`s my Maths teacher. You spoke to her last year. (that) 3. This is my brother. He wanted to meet you. (who) 4. That`s my cat. It caught a bird yesterday. (which) 5. Here`s your iPod. You lost it last week. (that) 6. This is the house. I stayed here. (where) zad. 3-Połącz części zdań (pisz, np. 1a, 2b). 1. If you`ve had an accident, 2. If you`ve got indigestion, 3. If you`ve got hay fever, 4. If you`ve got a cold,
a) You should drink some peppermint tea. b) You should get a vaccination. c) You should call for an ambulance. d) You should take an aspirin and stay in bed.
Tylko te 3 zadania. Potzrebne na dzisiaj 22:30. Proszę o bardzo szybkie i poprawne odpowiedzi. Daję wszystkie punkty jakie mam, gdybym miał więcej dałbym więcej. Liczę na was :-)
Zad. 1 1. If was sunny, we would play tennis. 2. I`d go skiing if it were less expensive. 3. We wouldn`t lose so many matches if we trained more. zad. 2 Sory, nie wiem jak to zrobić a nie chce ci źle napisać :) zad. 3 1. c) 2. a) 3. b) 4. d)
1. If was sunny, we would play tennis.
2. I`d go skiing if it were less expensive.
3. We wouldn`t lose so many matches if we trained more.
zad. 2
Sory, nie wiem jak to zrobić a nie chce ci źle napisać :)
zad. 3
1. c)
2. a)
3. b)
4. d)