Desde hace varios años dejé de leer para ´´aprender´´´, y esto se convirtió en un motivo para ser feliz, los libros se convirtieron amigos que me han ayudado a ver la realidad de una manera distinta. También disfruto de plasmar en palabras, sentimientos, pensamientos, vivencias y deseos, ya que no tengo otra manera de expresar, sino es escribiendo. Leo para perderme, y escribo para encontrarme.
Several years ago I stopped reading in order to learning and this became a reason to be happy, the books were friends who have helped me to see the reality in a different way. I also enjoy to translate words into feelings, thoughts, experiences and desires, I have no other way to express but writing. I read with the purpose of losing me, and I write with the purpose of finding myself.
I also enjoy to translate words into feelings, thoughts, experiences and desires, I have no other way to express but writing.
I read with the purpose of losing me, and I write with the purpose of finding myself.