Kategori : Bahasa Inggris - spoof text kelas : SMP IX
pembahasan: A; Have you heard the one about diver? B: No, go on. A: well, one day, a diver goes down ten meters underwater. eventually, or something like that he notices a man down there but with no diving equipment. and then, the diver goes down another five meters, but a minute later the man joins him. then he goes down five more metres, and guess what? B: he sees the man again? A: right. the same man joins him. anyway, they go all the way to the bottom. the diver is very confused. luckily, he has a waterproof board and pen, so he takes them out and writes: "I just can't believe it. How can you stay underwater all this time without equipment?" And the man takes the board and pen and writes, "I'm drowning, you idiot!"
2. telling a joke 1) one day a hunter needed a dog to retrieve ducks when he shot them. 2) he invited his friend to hunt with him and his new dog. every time they fired and a duck fell, the dog ran across the water to retrieve the bird, never getting more than his paws wet. this continue all day. 3) eventually, he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck! he was sure none of his friends would ever believe him. 4) the pessimist watched, but didn't say a word. 5) he decided to tell a friend of his, a pessimist who refused to be impressed with anything. his new dog, surely, would impress him. 6) on the way home, the hunter asked, "did you notice anything unusual about my dog?' 7) "yes, i did," replied the pessimist. "he can't swim."
kelas : SMP IX
A; Have you heard the one about diver?
B: No, go on.
A: well, one day, a diver goes down ten meters underwater. eventually, or something like that he notices a man down there but with no diving equipment. and then, the diver goes down another five meters, but a minute later the man joins him. then he goes down five more metres, and guess what?
B: he sees the man again?
A: right. the same man joins him. anyway, they go all the way to the bottom. the diver is very confused. luckily, he has a waterproof board and pen, so he takes them out and writes: "I just can't believe it. How can you stay underwater all this time without equipment?" And the man takes the board and pen and writes, "I'm drowning, you idiot!"
2. telling a joke
1) one day a hunter needed a dog to retrieve ducks when he shot them.
2) he invited his friend to hunt with him and his new dog. every time they fired and a duck fell, the dog ran across the water to retrieve the bird, never getting more than his paws wet. this continue all day.
3) eventually, he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck! he was sure none of his friends would ever believe him.
4) the pessimist watched, but didn't say a word.
5) he decided to tell a friend of his, a pessimist who refused to be impressed with anything. his new dog, surely, would impress him.
6) on the way home, the hunter asked, "did you notice anything unusual about my dog?'
7) "yes, i did," replied the pessimist. "he can't swim."