the company has been working to improve its sales and marketing efforts to help customers develop new technologies and to improve customer services in a variety that will be available for customers in new and developing systems to provide the ability for users with information about their products to be connected and the ability of their devices and devices to improve customer quality and provide a unique user experience
In this very special chance I would like to deliver my biggest thanks to all the teachers that have taught me and my friends.
Dalam kesempatan yang sangat istimewa ini saya ingin menyampaikan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua guru yang telah mengajar saya dan teman-teman saya.
We realize that we have made lot of mistakes but you always forgive us. You still motivate us and guide us as long as you can. We cannot give the biggest reward just gratitude and pray may God bless you always. Then, for the junior, as your senior, we would give you any advices.
Kami menyadari bahwa kami telah melakukan banyak kesalahan tetapi kalian selalu memaafkan kami. kalian masih memotivasi kami dan membimbing kami selama kalian bisa. Kami tidak bisa memberikan hadiah yg besar [tapi] hanya rasa terima kasih dan berdoa semoga Tuhan selalu memberkati kalian. Kemudian, untuk junior, sebagai senior kalian, kami akan memberi kalian saran.
You should study hard and obey what the teacher's advices.
Kalian harus giatbelajar dan menuruti nasihat guru.
Teks tersebut berisi Sambutan dalam kelulusan. Siswa-siswi yang diwakilkan oleh satu pembicara ini mengungkapkan bahwa Mereka berterimakasih pada guru-guru yang telah mengajar serta membimbing mereka dan memberi pesan pada adik kelas agar giat belajar dan menuruti nasihat yg diberikan guru.
Verified answer
the company has been working to improve its sales and marketing efforts to help customers develop new technologies and to improve customer services in a variety that will be available for customers in new and developing systems to provide the ability for users with information about their products to be connected and the ability of their devices and devices to improve customer quality and provide a unique user experience
Soal Mengartikan Teks
In this very special chance I would like to deliver my biggest thanks to all the teachers that have taught me and my friends.
We realize that we have made lot of mistakes but you always forgive us. You still motivate us and guide us as long as you can. We cannot give the biggest reward just gratitude and pray may God bless you always. Then, for the junior, as your senior, we would give you any advices.
You should study hard and obey what the teacher's advices.
Teks tersebut berisi Sambutan dalam kelulusan. Siswa-siswi yang diwakilkan oleh satu pembicara ini mengungkapkan bahwa Mereka berterimakasih pada guru-guru yang telah mengajar serta membimbing mereka dan memberi pesan pada adik kelas agar giat belajar dan menuruti nasihat yg diberikan guru.
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=== Semoga Membantu ===
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Materi: Menerjemahkan
Level: JHS
Kode Mapel: 5
Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5