TOLONG YA BINGGRIS What would you say if you were in this situation?
1) In a physics class, your teacher is explaining about quantur dont really understand. Meanwhile, your classmate always makes aistums noises.
2. In a gas station, you fill up your motorcycle with gas. It says Rp 9,500.00 When you pay a ten thousand note, the man does not give your changes.
3. After receiving the result of the last exam, vou find it lower than your class- mate, Tom. You knew that Tom was cheating in the exam by picking up your work sheet.
4) You, Tom, and Sofia are gathering to the canteen. In the middle of having lunch, Tom and Sofia were called by a teacher. Until the bell rang, they didn't come back yet to pay their own meals. The waitress insisted that you pay the bills.
5) You have sent your application letter to a company a month ago. Today, you receive a letter from the company for an interview. But, when you see the date, the appointment is scheduled for one week ago
Apa yang akan Anda katakan jika Anda berada dalam situasi ini?
1) Di kelas fisika, guru Anda menjelaskan tentang quantur
tidak terlalu mengerti. Sementara itu, teman sekelasmu selalu membuat aistum
2. Di pompa bensin, Anda mengisi sepeda motor Anda dengan gas. Dikatakan Rp 9.500,00
Ketika Anda membayar sepuluh ribu uang kertas, pria itu tidak memberikan perubahan Anda.
3. Setelah menerima hasil ujian terakhir, Anda akan merasa lebih rendah daripada kelas Anda-
sobat, Tom. Anda tahu bahwa Tom curang dalam ujian dengan mengambil Anda
lembar kerja.
4) Kamu, Tom, dan Sofia berkumpul di kantin. Di tengah memiliki
makan siang, Tom dan Sofia dipanggil oleh seorang guru. Sampai bel berbunyi, mereka tidak
kembali lagi untuk membayar makanan mereka sendiri. Pelayan bersikeras bahwa Anda membayar
5) Anda telah mengirim surat lamaran ke perusahaan sebulan yang lalu. Hari ini kamu
menerima surat dari perusahaan untuk wawancara. Tetapi, ketika Anda melihat
tanggal, janji temu dijadwalkan satu minggu yang lalu
Jawabannya :
1) Please be quiet, so we can understand what the teacher explaining.
2) I have to tell the man if i pay ten thousand, the man must give your changes.
3) Dont do that.
4) I have to pay the meals before the bell rang.
5) Im angry.