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Tebing Gembirawati yang berada di belakang pantai. Dari Tebing ini, kita bisa menerawang ke seluruh area Parangtritis. Ada bangunan yang tidak banyak diketahui oleh pengunjung umum di sini, yaitu candi Gambirawati. Untuk mencapai candi ini, kita perlu melalui jalan dekat Hotel Queen of South. Tidak jauh dari Tebing, kita bisa mendapatkan bangunan candi ini. Tidak ada yang menyangkal bahwa Parangtritis lekat dengan legenda Ratu Nyai Roro Kidul, sang penguasa pantai Selatan. Banyak orang yang masih meyakini bahwa Parangtritis adalah gerbang bagi kerajaan Ratu Kidul pantai Selatan. Oleh karenanya, sangat disarankan agar kita menjaga kata2 kita. Tidak mengeluarkan kata - kata kotor serta tidak menunjukkan arogansi kita terhadap alam.
dsssGembirawati cliffs which are behind the beach. Of these cliffs, we could wander throughout the area Parangtritis. There are buildings that are not widely known by the general visitor here, the temple Gambirawati. To reach this temple, we need to go through the street near Queen of the South. Not far from the cliffs, we can get this temple. No one denies that Parangtritis closely with the legend of the Queen Nyai Roro Kidul, the ruler of the South coast. Many people still believe that Parangtritis is the gateway to the kingdom of the South Queen of the South coast. Therefore, it is recommended that we keep our kata2. Not issue a word - a dirty word, and do not show our arrogance toward nature.
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masyitahMuslimGembirawati cliffs which are behind the beach. Of these cliffs, we could wander throughout the area Parangtritis. There are buildings that are not widely known by the general visitor here, the temple Gambirawati. To reach this temple, we need to go through the street near Queen of the South. Not far from the cliffs, we can get this temple. No one denies that Parangtritis closely with the legend of the Queen Nyai Roro Kidul, the ruler of the South coast. Many people still believe that Parangtritis is the gateway to the kingdom of the South Queen of the South coast. Therefore, it is recommended that we keep our kata2. Not issue a word - a dirty word, and do not show our arrogance toward nature.