Tolong translite kan cerita ini ya ke dalam bahasa ingris tetapi menggunakan simple present tense dan simple past tense. bantu ya, besok udah di kumpul ni. terimakasih.
Saya akan menceritakan pengalaman saya.
Ketika saya SMP di SMP Nabil Husein. Disitu di adakan seleksi untuk membentuk kelompok pramuka yang akan dilatih dan dikirim untuk pergi ke perkemahan. Seleksi diadakan sangat ketat dan banyak siswa yang ikut berpatisipasi dalam seleksi itu. Seleksi di adakan tiap hari, sedikit demi sedikit siswa yang tersisihkan. Hingga saya masuk dalam 20 besar. Seleksinya semakin ketat. Tetapi, dalam 20 besar itu hanya di ambil 10 orang yang akan pergi.
Setelah 10 orang itu terpilih, kami di latih bagaimana cara baris-berbaris yang benar, cara membangun tenda, cara membuat tali simpul, dan kami belajar tari enggang yang akan kami pentaskan di acara tersebut.
Jadi, pelajaran yang dapat saya ambil daru pengalaman saya adalah bagaimana cara menjaga kekompakan dan kebersamaan pada sesama.
Kalo salah jangan salahin saya yaa.. cuman bantu aja... gapake google translate soalnya :)
i'll tell you my experience.. since junior high school at NabilHusein, it will be held the selection to make scout group and it will be trained and sent to camp. The selection will be held to tight,and too many students have join the selection. The selection held everyday.
The selection is getting tougher. However, in the top 20 were only taken 10 people who will gone.
after 10 people were selected, we have been trained how to marching and build the tent.
how to make a knot, and we learned that we'll dance on stage at that event.
so, I can take a lesson from my experience is how to maintain the cohesiveness and togetherness on others.
When I was in SMP Nabil Husein. There are a selection to form a scout group taht will be trained and sent to go to the camp. Selection is held very tight and many students that join the selection. Selection is held everyday, step by step the students was exluded. But, in great 20th just be taken the great 10th people that will be going.
After taht 10 people is chosen, we are trained how to do the right marching, how to build a tend, how to make a rope knot, and we studied enggang dance taht will be performed by us in that program.
So, the lesson that I can take from my experience is how to maintain a cohesiveness and the unity on others.
(*semoga membantu)
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apa bisa di translitenya kan tapi cuma menggunakan simple present tense. mohon bantuannya yaa.
mmm.. kalau menurut saya, kemungkinan tidak bisa kalau cuma simple present tense saja. soalnya, ada kata "akan". dan biasanya, untuk menceritakan pengalaman menggunakan simple past tense.
(*semoga membantu)
i'll tell you my experience..
since junior high school at NabilHusein, it will be held the selection to make scout group and it will be trained and sent to camp.
The selection will be held to tight,and too many students have join the selection.
The selection held everyday.
The selection is getting tougher. However, in the top 20 were only taken 10 people who will gone.
after 10 people were selected, we have been trained how to marching and build the tent.
how to make a knot, and we learned that we'll dance on stage at that event.
I can take a lesson from my experience is how to maintain the cohesiveness and
togetherness on others.
When I was in SMP Nabil Husein. There are a selection to form a scout group taht will be trained and sent to go to the camp. Selection is held very tight and many students that join the selection.
Selection is held everyday, step by step the students was exluded. But, in great 20th just be taken the great 10th people that will be going.
After taht 10 people is chosen, we are trained how to do the right marching, how to build a tend, how to make a rope knot, and we studied enggang dance taht will be performed by us in that program.
So, the lesson that I can take from my experience is how to maintain a cohesiveness and the unity on others.
(*semoga membantu)