Tolong translet ke inggris dong tapi jangan gunakan google translet ya .. obyek selanjutnya adalah sangeh. Pura Bukit Sari Sangeh terletak di tengah-tengah hutan pala di pulau Dewata Bali. Luasnya sekitar 13 hektar, dihuni ribuan kera yang dikeramatkan. Demikian pula hutan pala. Hutan ini dianggap suci oleh masyarakat setempat dan terlarang untuk ditebang walaupun hanya satu pohon. di sangeh saya dan teman-teman,melihat ribuan kera.saya dan teman-teman berjalan mengelilingi hutan pala sangeh melihat ribuan kera, setelah itu saya dan teman-teman membeli kacang untuk memberi makan kera,setelah membeli kacang tersebut saya memberi makan kera tersebut,setelah itu saya dan teman-teman duduk di depan pintu masuk, tiba-tiba ada kera yang menghinggap di tubuh temanku saat dihinggapi dia ketakutan dan menjerit , setelah kejadian itu temanku tidak berani duduk di pintu masuk, setelah itu saya dan teman-teman melanjutkan perjalanan ke obyek wisata yang lain
The next object is Sangeh. Pura Bukit Sari Sangeh is located in the middle of nutmeg forest in Bali, the island of God. It's about 13 hectares width, inhabited by thousands of monkey which are sacred. similarly, the nutmeg forest is being sacred by the local community and forbidden to cut off, even though it's only one tree. In Sangeh, my friends and I saw thousands of monkey. We walked around Sangeh nutmeg forest, seeing thousands of monkey. After that, we bought nuts to feed the monkeys. After bought the nuts, i fed the monkeys. after that we sat in front of the entrance, suddenly there was a monkey perched on my friend. my friend was so scared and screamed out loud. after that accident, my friend didn't dare to sit on the entrance. after that my friends and I went on trip in another tourism places.
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The next place is Sangeh. Bukit Sari Sangeh temple is located in the deep of the nutmeg forest in Dewata Bali island. The area is about 13 hectare, which it's lived thousands sacred apes. As so as nutmeg forest. That forest is known as sacred forest and it's forbidden to be cutting down even though just one tree. In Sangeh me and my friends, saw a lot of apes, after that we were bought some nuts fo the apes. Then we're sit down in the head of the gate. Suddenly, there's an ape who was attacked my friend and she was afraid and screamed. After that accident, my friend won't to be sit down in the head of gate. Then, me and my friends continue our trip to other destinations.