aku baik-baik saja. terima kasih sudah mengirim surat untukku. aku sangat senang membaca surat darimu. sampaikan kepada orang tuamu, terima kasih sudah mengundang aku datang ke tempatmu. aku dengan senang hati menerima undangan itu karena orang tuaku telah mengizinkan. aku jadi tidak sabar menunggu liburan, soalnya aku kangen banget sama kamu. aku akan mengunjungimu setelah aku mendapat hasil belajarku. aku punya banyak pengalaman seru yang akan aku ceritakan padamu nanti. itu saja surat dariku. salam hormat untuk orang tuamu semoga mereka sehat selalu. sampai ketemu nanti.
I am fine. thank you for sending me a letter. I am very happy to read a letter from you.to tell your parents, thank you for inviting me to come to your place. I gladly accepted the invitation because of my parents had allowed. I so can not wait for the holidays, because I really just miss you. I'll see you after I got the results of my study. I had many exciting experiences that I will tell you later.it's just a letter from me. greetings to your parents may they always healthy. see you later.
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- tell your parents (nggak perlu "to")
- I'm gladly accepting the invitation / I would gladly accept the invitation
- I can't wait for the holiday, because I really miss you.
- I'll see you after I GET the result of my study
- I have a lot of exciting experiences / memories
- That's all from me (it's just a letter from me rancu ^^)
- may they WILL always BE healthy
kenapa gak i got? kan setelah mendapat._.
result nya kan didapatkan "nanti"
nanti > masa depan > future ^^
jadi pakai I get
kalau I got itu berarti udah didapat sebelum surat ini ditulis ^^
jadi isi surat ini selalu pake verb1, gaboleh lampau?._.
kalau isi surat kamu menceritakan tentang apa yang SUDAH kamu alami
*eh udah ke enter >.<
kalau isi surat kamu menceritakan tentang apa yang SUDAH kamu alami, itu pakai past/lampau
tapi konteks teks mu sekarang ini kan soal masa depan
"aku nggak sabar buat ketemu kamu, NANTI"
okayy..terimakasih banyak..soalnya ini buat praktik besok^^
sip gppa kalo ada yg bingung tanya aja ^^ sukses ya!
usman4jawabannya i am fine. thank you for sending me a letter . I am very happy to read a letter from you . to tell your parents , thank you for inviting me to come to your place . I gladly accepted the invitation because of my parents had allowed . I so can not wait for the holidays, because I really just miss you . I 'll see you after I got the results of my study . I had many exciting experiences that I will tell you later . it's just a letter from me . greetings to your parents may they always healthy . see you later. maaf kalo salah.
i am fine. thank you for sending me a letter . I am very happy to read a letter from you . to tell your parents , thank you for inviting me to come to your place . I gladly accepted the invitation because of my parents had allowed . I so can not wait for the holidays, because I really just miss you . I 'll see you after I got the results of my study . I had many exciting experiences that I will tell you later . it's just a letter from me . greetings to your parents may they always healthy . see you later.
maaf kalo salah.