1. bagaimana sifat dewi galuh dan candra kirana? 2. apa yang menyebabkan candra kirana dikutuk? 3. siapa yang menolong keong mas? 4. siapa nama pangeran? 5. dimana keong mas dibuang? 6. apa ide pokok paragraf 1? 7. apa yang dilakukan raden inu ketapati untuk menemukan candra kirana? 8. buatlah kesimpulan dari cerita tersebut 9. dimana pangeran menemukan candra kirana?
firdausananta41. What is the nature of the goddess galuh and candra kirana? 2. what causes candra kirana condemned? 3. who helped keong mas? 4. who is the Prince's name? 5. where the keong mas dumped? 6. What is the main idea of the paragraph 1? 7. What does raden inu ketapati to find candra kirana? 8. make the conclusion of the story 9. where the Prince find candra kirana?
2. what causes candra kirana condemned?
3. who helped keong mas?
4. who is the Prince's name?
5. where the keong mas dumped?
6. What is the main idea of the paragraph 1?
7. What does raden inu ketapati to find candra kirana?
8. make the conclusion of the story
9. where the Prince find candra kirana?
Maaf kalo salah....