Di saat ibu saya telah mengandung 9 bulan, ibu saya melahirkan saya dengan sehat. saya tidak memiliki rambut, berat saya 3,4 kilogram. tinggi saya kira kira 40 cm. ibu bilang, jika saya menangis, ibu memberikan saya mainan karet supaya saya menggigiti mainan itu. aku tidur bersama kedua orang tuaku di kamar. tapi sekarang semuanya telah berubah. dulu saat saya masih kecil saya tidak mempunyai rambut. tetapi sekarang saya mempunyai rambut yang panjang dan berat saya 33 kilogram. sekarang tinggi saya 160 cm. bila dulu saya menagis dengan menggigiti mainan, sekarang aku menangis di kamar. sekarang aku tidur di kamarku. masa kecil adalah masa yang tidak dapat dilupakan.
The time when my mother was pregnant 9 months, she gave birth to me safely and healthy. I didn't have a hair, my weight was 3.4 kilograms. My height was about 40 cm. My mother told me, if I cry, she gave me a rubber toy so that I can bite it. I slept with my parents in our room. But now, everything has changed. Once, when I was a kid I had no hair. but now I have a long hair and my weight is 33 kilograms. Now, I am 160 cm tall. When I used to cry with chewing toys, now I'm crying in my room. Now, I sleep in my own room. Childhood is a moment that can never be forgotten.
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When my mother was in 9 months pregnant, my mother gave birth to me with healthy condition. I didn't have hair, my weight was 3.4 kilos, and my height was approximately 40 cm. My mother said that when i was crying she just gave me a rubber toys so that i will bite that rubber toys. I slept with my parents in my parents' bedroom. But now, everything have changed. If when i was a kid i hadn't have hair, now i have long hair and my weight is 33 kilos. my height is 160 cm. if in the past i was like to crying with bitting my rubber toys, now i'm crying in my bedroom. Now i sleep in my bedroom too. Childhood is a time that has never be forgotten.