Tolong terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris : 1. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang kenakalan remaja jaman sekarang dan bagaimana mengatasi hal-hal negatif seperti hamil diluar nikah, penggunaan narkotika dan lainnya ? 2. Apa yang harus diperbaiki dan dipertahankan dari negara indonesia? 3. Apa pendapat kalian tentang negara indonesia dan bagaimana sistem hukum yang berlaku diindonesia? Apakah sesuai dengan undang-undang yang ditetapkan ?
sitinurhalizahjuras1. What is your opinion about juvenile delinquency today and how to overcome the negative things such as pregnant outside of marriage, and other drug use? 2. What should be repaired and maintained from the Indonesian state? 3. What do you think about the country and how the Indonesian legal system diIndonesia? Are in accordance with established laws?
1. What is your opinion about juvenile delinquency today and how to overcome the negative things such as pregnant outside of marriage, and other drug use?
2. What should be repaired and maintained from the Indonesian state?
3. What do you think about the country and how the Indonesian legal system diIndonesia? Are in accordance with established laws?
1. What is your opinion about juvenile delinquency today and how to overcome the negative things such as pregnant outside of marriage, and other drug use?
2. What should be repaired and maintained from the Indonesian state?
3. What do you think about the country and how the Indonesian legal system diIndonesia? Are in accordance with established laws?
1. What is your opinion about juvenile delinquency now and how to overcome the negative things such as pregnant outside of marriage , and other drug use ?
2. What should be repaired and maintained from the Indonesian state ? 3. What do you think about Indonesia and how the state legal system in Indonesia ? Are in accordance with established laws ?
"semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ^_^ "
2. What should be repaired and maintained from the Indonesian state?
3. What do you think about the country and how the Indonesian legal system diIndonesia? Are in accordance with established laws?
2. What should be repaired and maintained from the Indonesian state ?
3. What do you think about Indonesia and how the state legal system in Indonesia ? Are in accordance with established laws ?
"semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ^_^ "