Tolong saya.. buatlah dialog offering to do something..
P : Hello Ani q : Hello Budi p: May i help u to bring ur book? q: Oh no its ok.i can do it p : No.You look like you need some help q:Oke.Thank you Budi p:Your welcome Ani
kurang lebih gitu wkwkw
1 votes Thanks 1
maaf bukan yang itu . maksudnya yang dialognya isinya mengajak... / nawarin gitu ...
bukannya yg may i itu udah termasuk offering something ya?
gimana yya ... ee itu lho yang miisalnya yang bhs indonesianya "sebentar lagi hujan, ayo kita pergi ke tempat yang teduh" dll gituh.. yg materi Lintas minat kls X bhs inggris
ya udahlah gg papa. makasih yya udah mbantu..
A. what are you doing? b. i am trying to fix this a. what happened? b. a friend of mine borrowed my dictionary abd look what happend a. have problem with the cover b. yes a. here let me help you b. really? a. sure. go get paper glue and scissor b. be right back...thanks anyway a. no problem
q : Hello Budi
p: May i help u to bring ur book?
q: Oh no its ok.i can do it
p : No.You look like you need some help
q:Oke.Thank you Budi
p:Your welcome Ani
kurang lebih gitu wkwkw
b. i am trying to fix this
a. what happened?
b. a friend of mine borrowed my dictionary abd look what happend
a. have problem with the cover
b. yes
a. here let me help you
b. really?
a. sure. go get paper glue and scissor
b. be right back...thanks anyway
a. no problem