2.no, we can get carbohydrate rice,corn,bread and so on
4. (1) who talks together with other people (not including those invited to talk); who writes on behalf of the group, not including the reader; (2) who speak (used by big people, for example kings); who writes (used by the author)
1. Eggs, fish, meat and nuts
2.No it doesn't have to be expensive
3.rice, corn and bread and so on
4.you and i
5. It tell us examplr of nutrious food and that it doesn't have to be expensive
1.eggs,fish,meat and nuts
2.no, we can get carbohydrate rice,corn,bread and so on
4. (1) who talks together with other people (not including those invited to talk); who writes on behalf of the group, not including the reader; (2) who speak (used by big people, for example kings); who writes (used by the author)
5.we have to consume food, protein and minerals