sama sama. eh maaf ya, aku tadi lupa ngasih alasannya :(
Jawaban singkat: 1. My 2. Her, she, it 3. My, I, their 4. Hers 5. Our, he 6. Them 7. She, me, it 8. His, him
Jawaban panjang:
1. I am a seventh grade student. My school is across from my house. (karena subjeknya I jadi kata ganti kepunyaan dari I adalah my)
2. Sherly's father bought her a new cell phone. She is very happy to receive it. (her itu untuk Sherly, she untuk Sherly, dan it untuk cell phone)
3. Rindi and Setiawan are my best friends. I am their best friend. (Rindi dan Setiawan adalah sahabatku. Aku adalah sahabat mereka)
4. Irma has a backpack. This small black backpack is hers (hers merujuk kepada Irma, artinya 'miliknya→Irma')
5. Mr. Justine is our new teacher. He teaches English to us. He is from America. (our new teacher : guru baru kami. he teaches us : dia mengajar kami 'dia→Mr. Justine')
6. Mother buys a kilogram of oranges. Some of them are sweet but some others are sour. (some of them : beberapa diantara 'mereka→jeruk'
7. Rina borrowed my calculator yesterday. She apologizes to me for breaking it. (she→Rina apologizes [minta maaf] to me→kepadaku for breaking [karena merusakkan] it→kalkulator [karena kalkulatornya punya si 'saya'])
8. Joe is a great singer. His voice is beautiful. Many peoe love him. (his voice [menunjukkan kepemilikan], him [merujuk kepada Joe])
Verified answer
Semoga membantu........1. My
2. Her, she, it
3. My, I, their
4. Hers
5. Our, he
6. Them
7. She, me, it
8. His, him
Jawaban panjang:
1. I am a seventh grade student. My school is across from my house.
(karena subjeknya I jadi kata ganti kepunyaan dari I adalah my)
2. Sherly's father bought her a new cell phone. She is very happy to receive it.
(her itu untuk Sherly, she untuk Sherly, dan it untuk cell phone)
3. Rindi and Setiawan are my best friends. I am their best friend.
(Rindi dan Setiawan adalah sahabatku. Aku adalah sahabat mereka)
4. Irma has a backpack. This small black backpack is hers
(hers merujuk kepada Irma, artinya 'miliknya→Irma')
5. Mr. Justine is our new teacher. He teaches English to us. He is from America.
(our new teacher : guru baru kami. he teaches us : dia mengajar kami 'dia→Mr. Justine')
6. Mother buys a kilogram of oranges. Some of them are sweet but some others are sour. (some of them : beberapa diantara 'mereka→jeruk'
7. Rina borrowed my calculator yesterday. She apologizes to me for breaking it.
(she→Rina apologizes [minta maaf] to me→kepadaku for breaking [karena merusakkan] it→kalkulator [karena kalkulatornya punya si 'saya'])
8. Joe is a great singer. His voice is beautiful. Many peoe love him.
(his voice [menunjukkan kepemilikan], him [merujuk kepada Joe])