1.. Employment in the restaurant industry (Prospect career in the restaurant)
2. Restaurant and cafetaria
3. The restaurant industry employs million of people and serves billion of meals, ranking up billion dollar in annual sales.
4. Neighborhood and communities thrive.
5. Providing jobs, entertainment convenience for neighbor to meet, talk and relax.
6.Restaurant owners play an essential role in creating healthy and comfortable place, to make a good food , new menu, and new different in their customer.
7. Because Restaurant industry is the industry of choice for enterprising dedicated and adventuresome young people .
8 To any the customers and applicants who look for a job.
9. There are so many restaurants that we can choose
10. The restaurant owner have such a nice service that we 've never bore to visit and visit again.
Look at the following reading text. Then answer the questions correctly based on the text!
1. What is the main idea of the reading text?
(Apa ide utama teks bacaan di atas?)
Restaurant industry helps many people and becomes a booming industry.
(Industri restoran membantu banyak orang dan menjadi industri besar)
Setiap paragraf menceritakan tentang industri restoran yang telah membantu banyak orang. Industri restoran banyak memperkerjakan orang, menyediakan hiburan, memberikan tempat yang nyaman untuk berkumpul, berbicara, dan bersantai, serta memberikan peluang besar bagi pebisnis.
2. In which places is the business needed?
(Di tempat manakah bisnis ini diperlukan?)
In restaurants, schools, and work cafeterias.
(Di restoran-restoran, sekolah-sekolah, dan kafetaria tempat kerja)
Pargraph 1, line 5
3. What is the main reason of the increase of the career?
(Apa alasan utama terjadinya peningkatan karir?)
Opportunities are increasing.
(Kesempatan meningkat)
Karena kesempatan meningkat, karir juga akan meningkat. Paragraph 1, last sentence. Hal ini dikarenakan hasil penjualan restoran yang sangat tinggi, tertuang pada kalimat sebelumnya.
4. Who gets the benefit from the restaurants?
(Siapa yang mendapat keuntungan dari restoran)
The owners, the customers, employees of the restaurants.
(Pemilik restoran, para pelanggan, dan para pegawainya)
Hal ini tertuang dalam semua paragraf.
5 What is the other use of restaurant?
(Apa kegunaan lain dari restoran?)
Restaurant also helps neighborhoods and communities thrive.
(Restoran juga membantu lingkungan dan masyarakat berkembang dengan pesat)
Paragraph 2, line 1.
6. What is the restaurant owners' responsibility in running their business?
(Apa tanggung jawab pemilik restoran dalam menjalankan bisnisnya?)
Involving in local charities and fund raising activities.
(Terlibat dalam lembaga amal dan kegiatan pengumpulan dana)
Paragraph 2, last line.
7. Why is the restaurant called industry?
(Mengapa restoran itu disebut industri?)
Because it produces products from raw material to meals that people can enjoy. It also employs, serves, and benefits many people.
(Karena restoran memproduksi barang dari bahan mentah menjadi makanan sehingga orang-orang dapat menikmatinya. Restoran juga memperkerjakan, melayani, dan menguntungkan banyak orang)
Kesimpulan diambil dari semua paragraf dan pengertian industri.
8 To whom is the industry of restaurant mainly addressed?
(Kepada siapa industri restoran utamanya ditujukan?)
To young people who are enterprising, dedicated, and adventuresome.
(Kepada para pemuda yang mau berwirausaha, berdedikasi, dan berpetualang)
Paragraph 3, last line.
9. Complete the following sentence using so...that or such ... that ... Look at the example!
a. More applicants work so happy in the restaurant that the customers are satisfied.
b. There are so many comfortable places in town that many people like to visit them.
(Ada banyak tempat-tempat yang sangat nyaman di kota sehingga orang-orang suka mengunjunginya)
c. The restaurant owners have such delicious meals that the customers really enjoy them.
(Para pemilik restoran memiliki makanan yang begitu enaknya sehingga para pelanggan sangat menikmatinya)
Verified answer
1.. Employment in the restaurant industry (Prospect career in the restaurant)
2. Restaurant and cafetaria
3. The restaurant industry employs million of people and serves billion of meals, ranking up billion dollar in annual sales.
4. Neighborhood and communities thrive.
5. Providing jobs, entertainment convenience for neighbor to meet, talk and relax.
6.Restaurant owners play an essential role in creating healthy and comfortable place, to make a good food , new menu, and new different in their customer.
7. Because Restaurant industry is the industry of choice for enterprising dedicated and adventuresome young people .
8 To any the customers and applicants who look for a job.
9. There are so many restaurants that we can choose
10. The restaurant owner have such a nice service that we 've never bore to visit and visit again.
Look at the following reading text. Then answer the questions correctly based on the text!
1. What is the main idea of the reading text?
(Apa ide utama teks bacaan di atas?)
Restaurant industry helps many people and becomes a booming industry.
(Industri restoran membantu banyak orang dan menjadi industri besar)
Setiap paragraf menceritakan tentang industri restoran yang telah membantu banyak orang. Industri restoran banyak memperkerjakan orang, menyediakan hiburan, memberikan tempat yang nyaman untuk berkumpul, berbicara, dan bersantai, serta memberikan peluang besar bagi pebisnis.
2. In which places is the business needed?
(Di tempat manakah bisnis ini diperlukan?)
In restaurants, schools, and work cafeterias.
(Di restoran-restoran, sekolah-sekolah, dan kafetaria tempat kerja)
Pargraph 1, line 5
3. What is the main reason of the increase of the career?
(Apa alasan utama terjadinya peningkatan karir?)
Opportunities are increasing.
(Kesempatan meningkat)
Karena kesempatan meningkat, karir juga akan meningkat. Paragraph 1, last sentence. Hal ini dikarenakan hasil penjualan restoran yang sangat tinggi, tertuang pada kalimat sebelumnya.
4. Who gets the benefit from the restaurants?
(Siapa yang mendapat keuntungan dari restoran)
The owners, the customers, employees of the restaurants.
(Pemilik restoran, para pelanggan, dan para pegawainya)
Hal ini tertuang dalam semua paragraf.
5 What is the other use of restaurant?
(Apa kegunaan lain dari restoran?)
Restaurant also helps neighborhoods and communities thrive.
(Restoran juga membantu lingkungan dan masyarakat berkembang dengan pesat)
Paragraph 2, line 1.
6. What is the restaurant owners' responsibility in running their business?
(Apa tanggung jawab pemilik restoran dalam menjalankan bisnisnya?)
Involving in local charities and fund raising activities.
(Terlibat dalam lembaga amal dan kegiatan pengumpulan dana)
Paragraph 2, last line.
7. Why is the restaurant called industry?
(Mengapa restoran itu disebut industri?)
Because it produces products from raw material to meals that people can enjoy. It also employs, serves, and benefits many people.
(Karena restoran memproduksi barang dari bahan mentah menjadi makanan sehingga orang-orang dapat menikmatinya. Restoran juga memperkerjakan, melayani, dan menguntungkan banyak orang)
Kesimpulan diambil dari semua paragraf dan pengertian industri.
8 To whom is the industry of restaurant mainly addressed?
(Kepada siapa industri restoran utamanya ditujukan?)
To young people who are enterprising, dedicated, and adventuresome.
(Kepada para pemuda yang mau berwirausaha, berdedikasi, dan berpetualang)
Paragraph 3, last line.
9. Complete the following sentence using so...that or such ... that ... Look at the example!
a. More applicants work so happy in the restaurant that the customers are satisfied.
b. There are so many comfortable places in town that many people like to visit them.
(Ada banyak tempat-tempat yang sangat nyaman di kota sehingga orang-orang suka mengunjunginya)
c. The restaurant owners have such delicious meals that the customers really enjoy them.
(Para pemilik restoran memiliki makanan yang begitu enaknya sehingga para pelanggan sangat menikmatinya)
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Detail jawaban
Kelas: 12
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Reading Comprehension
Kode: 12.5.7
Kata kunci: reading, comprehension, text, restaurant, industry, such, so, that