6. it's a text for greeting card (ini gak bisa dijawab dengan descriptive, recount, dll karena memang tipenya ini kartu ucapan) 7. Joane is the sender of the card 8. to congratulate Ahmad Fikri for his great work of being a bright and enthusiastic student in 1/2J
semoga membantu ^^
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6. greeting card 8. to congratulate ahmad fikri
(ini gak bisa dijawab dengan descriptive, recount, dll karena memang tipenya ini kartu ucapan)
7. Joane is the sender of the card
8. to congratulate Ahmad Fikri for his great work of being a bright and enthusiastic student in 1/2J
semoga membantu ^^
8. to congratulate ahmad fikri
maaf kalo salah