October 2018 1 60 Report
Tolong donk dijwb bagi yg tahu jwbnya
How to make a reading stone
A reading stone is a hemisphere of clear glass that a reader places, flat-side down, on a page. The letters beneath the center of the stone must be greatly enlarged. Now, we will try to make a simple reading stone.
You will need:
1. Small pot
2. Water
3. Spoon
4. Package of unflavored gelatin
5. Small bowl as nearly hemisphere (half of a globe) as possible
6. Page from a newspaper or magazine
7. Plastic wrap
8. Pan
9. Two small plastic resealable bags about 3 x 3 cm
10. Tape
What to do:
1. Use the small pot, water and spoon to prepare one package of gelatin according to the package instructions.
2. Fill the bowl with gelatin and put it into the refrigerator
3. Cover with a page from a newspaper or magazine with a piece of plastic wrap
4. When the gelatin is completely solid, remove the bowl from the refrigerator. Put the bowl in a pan of hot water so that the water level should be just below the rim of the bowl. Wait one minute. Turn the bowl upside down on top of the newspaper. A dome-shaped block of gelatin should slip out (if it doesn’t, put the bowl back in the hot water for another minute). This is your reading stone.
5. Observe how the reading stone magnifies the words beneath it

1. What is a reading stone?
2. What happens to the letters beneath the center of the reading stone?
3. What do we use a piece of plastic wrap for?
4. When should we remove the bowl from the refrigerator ?
5. “... so that the water level should be just below the rim of the bowl.” (step 4)
What is the synonym of ‘rim’ ?
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Tolong donk dijwb bagi yg tahu jwbnyaHow to make a reading stone A reading stone is a hemisphere of clear glass that a reader places, flat-side down, on a page. The letters beneath the center of the stone must be greatly enlarged. Now, we will try to make a simple reading stone. You will need: 1. Small pot 2. Water 3. Spoon 4. Package of unflavored gelatin 5. Small bowl as nearly hemisphere (half of a globe) as possible 6. Page from a newspaper or magazine 7. Plastic wrap 8. Pan 9. Two small plastic resealable bags about 3 x 3 cm 10. Tape What to do: 1. Use the small pot, water and spoon to prepare one package of gelatin according to the package instructions. 2. Fill the bowl with gelatin and put it into the refrigerator 3. Cover with a page from a newspaper or magazine with a piece of plastic wrap 4. When the gelatin is completely solid, remove the bowl from the refrigerator. Put the bowl in a pan of hot water so that the water level should be just below the rim of the bowl. Wait one minute. Turn the bowl upside down on top of the newspaper. A dome-shaped block of gelatin should slip out (if it doesn’t, put the bowl back in the hot water for another minute). This is your reading stone. 5. Observe how the reading stone magnifies the words beneath it Questions: 1. What is a reading stone? 2. What happens to the letters beneath the center of the reading stone? 3. What do we use a piece of plastic wrap for? 4. When should we remove the bowl from the refrigerator ? 5. “... so that the water level should be just below the rim of the bowl.” (step 4) What is the synonym of ‘rim’ ?

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