Tolong dong kasih contoh kasus (singkat) yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari-hari dan pemikiranmu terhadap kasus itu, dalam bahasa inggris ya :)
I believe that you've already know this but let me make it more clear. When you walk on a market or maybe chinatown, on the outside or around it i believe that you'll find a beggar. And some of us will feel pity and give them some money. But, in this case i want to warn you that NOT every beggar are homeless people. Of course there'll be some people that disguise themself as one so they could get money without working. If we calculate the income of beggar; one people = one thousand rupiahs, 15 people per hour, just count how many rupiahs they'll get in a day? In a month? Even we found in some news there is a beggar thar have a big house with its full environment. What i want to say is, not to give your money to random beggar because you pitied them. If you really want to help homeless people i suggest you to donate your money to a trusted association like coalition for the homeless. That way you can be assured that you're money can be useful for the one in need. Then, how about the beggar in you streets? Again, if people want to eat then they must work beside you can't live by people's pity.