Tolong dong kalimat dibwah ini di bhsa ingrris dengan tenses yg benar. speaker 1 positif : saya percaya bahwa berpacaran bagi anak SMA itu dapat mengganggu konsentrasi belajar mereka karena mereka yang berpacaran cenderung memikirkan pacarnya dibanding pelajaran.
speaker 1 negatif : saya tidak setuju bahwa berpacaran dapat menggangu pelajaran. namun sebaliknya pacar bisa memberikan motivasi agar kita dapat berpikir ke depan. misalnya seseorang yang tadinya malas belajar tiba-tiba rajin belajar karena ada dorongan dari pacar.
speaker 2 positif : saya pikir tidak harus dorongan dari pacar untuk seseorang dapat rajin belajar karena dorongan dari orang tuanya dan teman-teman terdekatnya mampu memotivasi mereka rajin belajar dengan baik. dan saya percaya bahwa berpacaran anak SMA adalah kegiatan membuang-buang waktu.
speaker 2 negatif : jika anda mengatakan bahwa berpacaran anak SMA adalah kegiatan membuang-buang waktu ini tidak adil karena masih banyak siswa di luar sana yang berpacaran mampu membagi waktu. misalnya dengan belajar bersama.
speaker 3 positif : tidak hanya membuang-buang waktu , bukti lain dari pacaran anak SMA sekarang adalah berani berbohong kepada orang tua untuk meminta uang lebih dengan alasan pembayaran sekolah padahal untuk bersenang-senang dengan pacarnya sehingga siswa yang berpacaran tidak sadar mulai berlatih hidup boros.
speaker 3 negatif : saya tidak setuju dengan apa yang anda katakan bahwa berpacaran melatih hidup boros .. lanjutin dengan pendapat kalian pliss.
nadiaeka09791. I believe that the Dating For High School Kids Learning THAT CAN distract them BECAUSE they tend to think of his girlfriend as DATING than lessons . 1.I do not agree that dating can interfere with learning . but instead boyfriend could provide motivation for us to think ahead . for example, someone who was lazy to learn suddenly diligent study because there is encouragement from her boyfriend .
speaker 2 positive: I do not think it should be encouragement of diligent boyfriend for one can learn because of the encouragement of his parents and closest friends were able to motivate them diligently studied well. and I believe that dating a high school student is time-wasting activities.
2 speaker negative: if you say that dating a high school student is wasting time activities is unfair because there are many students out there who are dating is able to share time. for example by learning together.
3 speakers positive: not only a waste of time, another proof of high school kids going out now is a bold lie to parents to ask for more money to the payment of school grounds when to have fun with her boyfriend so that students who are dating unknowingly began practicing living lavishly.
3 speaker negative: I do not agree with what you say that dating life coach living lavishly boros.Karena it depends on the nature of the child's own
speaker 1 positif : I believe that dating for high schoolers can interfere their studying concentration because those who are dating tend to think about their partners more than the study.
speaker 1 negatif : I don't agree that dating can interfere the study, but instead, a partner can give us motivation so we'll think about the future (so we can think ahead, tapi future lebih bagus). Example... someone who's lazy to study suddenly will become diligent because there's support from their partner.
speaker 2 positif : I think a support isn't necessarily just from a partner so someone will want to study, because a support from their parents and closest friends can also motivate them to study better. And I believe that dating for high schoolers is only a useless activity.
speaker 2 negatif : If you say that dating for high schoolers is a useless activity. It's not fair because out there, there are a lot of students who are dating and they can manage to share their time. Example, by studying together.
speaker 3 positif : Not only useless, another example from dating for high schoolers is nowadays they dare to lie to their parents to ask about more money with an excuse of paying the school's tuition, even though actually it's for having fun with their partners so students who are dating aren't aware that they're learning to have wasteful live.
kalimat yang kamu buat kurang titik koma ya, langsung tabrak gitu ^^" coba nanti diedit lagi titik komanya
PS. High schoolers mau diganti dengan high school students juga bisa :)
1.I do not agree that dating can interfere with learning . but instead boyfriend could provide motivation for us to think ahead . for example, someone who was lazy to learn suddenly diligent study because there is encouragement from her boyfriend .
speaker 2 positive: I do not think it should be encouragement of diligent boyfriend for one can learn because of the encouragement of his parents and closest friends were able to motivate them diligently studied well. and I believe that dating a high school student is time-wasting activities.
2 speaker negative: if you say that dating a high school student is wasting time activities is unfair because there are many students out there who are dating is able to share time. for example by learning together.
3 speakers positive: not only a waste of time, another proof of high school kids going out now is a bold lie to parents to ask for more money to the payment of school grounds when to have fun with her boyfriend so that students who are dating unknowingly began practicing living lavishly.
3 speaker negative: I do not agree with what you say that dating life coach living lavishly boros.Karena it depends on the nature of the child's own
speaker 1 positif : I believe that dating for high schoolers can interfere their studying concentration because those who are dating tend to think about their partners more than the study.
speaker 1 negatif : I don't agree that dating can interfere the study, but instead, a partner can give us motivation so we'll think about the future (so we can think ahead, tapi future lebih bagus). Example... someone who's lazy to study suddenly will become diligent because there's support from their partner.
speaker 2 positif : I think a support isn't necessarily just from a partner so someone will want to study, because a support from their parents and closest friends can also motivate them to study better. And I believe that dating for high schoolers is only a useless activity.
speaker 2 negatif : If you say that dating for high schoolers is a useless activity. It's not fair because out there, there are a lot of students who are dating and they can manage to share their time. Example, by studying together.
speaker 3 positif : Not only useless, another example from dating for high schoolers is nowadays they dare to lie to their parents to ask about more money with an excuse of paying the school's tuition, even though actually it's for having fun with their partners so students who are dating aren't aware that they're learning to have wasteful live.
kalimat yang kamu buat kurang titik koma ya, langsung tabrak gitu ^^"
coba nanti diedit lagi titik komanya
PS. High schoolers mau diganti dengan high school students juga bisa :)