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Stroberi Strawberry adalah anggota kerajaan Plantae yang sangat populer yang sangat populer di dunia . Hal ini dihargai untuk aroma khas , warna merah cerah , tekstur dan rasa manis juicy . Merah ini berwarna buah ini juga memiliki banyak manfaat bagi tubuh kita . Dalam satu cangkir ( 144gr ) stroberi mengandung sekitar 45 kalori ( 188kJ ) dan merupakan sumber yang sangat baik dari vitamin C dan flavonoid . Strawberry dengan gizi manfaatnya bisa membuat rambut kita menjadi lancar , memutihkan gigi , memelihara kulit kita , dan lain-lain vitamin C yang dapat membersihkan dan membersihkan kulit kita asam salisilat dalam mengangkat kulit sel mati . Untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya , kita perlu mengkonsumsi strawberry rutin . Tidak hanya mengkonsumsinya , misalnya , untuk mendapatkan gigi putih kita perlu sikat gigi dengan strawberry rutin . Selain dikonsumsi segar , strawberry dapat dibekukan , dijadikan manisan serta dikeringkan dan digunakan dalam hal-hal seperti sereal bar . Strawberry adalah tambahan populer untuk produk susu seperti pada es krim rasa stroberi , milkshake , dan yogurt .Strawberry
Strawberry is a member of kingdom plantae which is very popular which is very popular in the world. It is appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture and sweetness. This red colored fruits is also has many benefit for our body.In one cup ( 144gr ) of strawberry contains approximately 45 calories ( 188kJ ) and is an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoid.Strawberry with its useful nutrition can make our hair be smooth, whiten our teeth, nourishes our skin, and etc. its vitamin C can clean and clear our skin the salicylic acid inside lifts the dead cell skin. To get its usefulness, we need to consume strawberry regularly. Not only consume it, for instance, to get white teeth we need to brush teeth by strawberry routine.In addition to being consumed fresh, strawberry can be frozen, made into preserves as well as dried and used in such things as cereals bars. Strawberry are a popular addition to dairy product as in strawberry flavored ice cream, milkshakes, and yogurts.
Strawberry is a member of kingdom plantae which is very popular which is very popular in the world. It is appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture and sweetness. This red colored fruits is also has many benefit for our body.In one cup ( 144gr ) of strawberry contains approximately 45 calories ( 188kJ ) and is an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoid.Strawberry with its useful nutrition can make our hair be smooth, whiten our teeth, nourishes our skin, and etc. its vitamin C can clean and clear our skin the salicylic acid inside lifts the dead cell skin. To get its usefulness, we need to consume strawberry regularly. Not only consume it, for instance, to get white teeth we need to brush teeth by strawberry routine.In addition to being consumed fresh, strawberry can be frozen, made into preserves as well as dried and used in such things as cereals bars. Strawberry are a popular addition to dairy product as in strawberry flavored ice cream, milkshakes, and yogurts.