Jawaban: hi my name is...(nama kamu). today i start my work as one of the bank ememployee of bank indonesia. i start my work by turning on the computer at my work table. 5 minutes later my bos start giving work to all employee. i start working at my work and it finish at 10pm. it was very exhauting but al least the bos make it worth it by giving me some bonus at the end of the month. at 11pm i decice to go home and taking a rest for tomorrow
hi nama ku.... hari ini aku memulai pekerjaan ku sebagai pegawai di bank indonesia. aku memulai pekerjaan ku dengan cara menyalakan komputer ku. udah ah transelate google aja :)
Jawaban: hi my name is...(nama kamu). today i start my work as one of the bank ememployee of bank indonesia. i start my work by turning on the computer at my work table. 5 minutes later my bos start giving work to all employee. i start working at my work and it finish at 10pm. it was very exhauting but al least the bos make it worth it by giving me some bonus at the end of the month. at 11pm i decice to go home and taking a rest for tomorrow
hi nama ku.... hari ini aku memulai pekerjaan ku sebagai pegawai di bank indonesia. aku memulai pekerjaan ku dengan cara menyalakan komputer ku. udah ah transelate google aja :)