Tolong domg translate in ke bahasa inggris sebuah penelitian yang paling populeh di abat ini yang di lakukan oleh masarro emoto dari jepang telah mengungkap fakta dah rahasia kedahsyatan air putih terutama bagi manusia menurutnya aair putih yang di prdagangkan atau diperlihatkan kata yang baik akan mwmbentuk gelombang kristal yang dapat menyembuhkan semua jenis penyakit yang di derita manusia dan tahukah anda ap yang tejadi setelah adanya penelitian itu setelah masarro memublikasikan temuannya ke seluruh dunia berbagau pengobatan mengunakan terapi air bermunculan di mana- mana penyakit seperti kanker stroke usus buntu batu anpedu dan lain- lain bisa di sembuhkan hanya dengan terapi air putih
A study of the most popular in this century will be undertaken by masarro Emoto of Japan has revealed the facts and the secret terrors of water, especially for the white man thinks water traded or shown a good word will form crystals wave that can cure all kinds of diseases in human sufferingand do you know what happened after that after masarro publish research findings to the rest of the world using a variety of therapeutic treatment of water springing up everywhere diseases such as cancer of the appendix stroke anpedu stone and others can be cured only with water therapy
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A study of the most popular in this century will be undertaken by masarro Emoto of Japan has revealed the secret of the fact dah awesomeness of water , especially for the white man thinks water traded or shown a good word will form crystals wave that can cure all kinds of diseases in human suffering and do you know what happens after their ap after masarro publish research findings to the rest of the world using a variety of therapeutic treatment of water springing up everywhere diseases such as cancer of the appendix stroke anpedu stone and others can be cured only with water therapy