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Ketika saya sudah lulus dari sekolah saya berencana melanjutkan kuliah ke UNY. Saya berenca mengambil jurusan matematika. Saya berencana kuliah di UNY karena ingin menjadi guru matematika. Selain itu rumah saya dekat dengan UNY. Oleh karena itu saya rajin belajar matematika setiap hari agar cita-cita saya tercapai
Lumayan tuh poinya.makasih
When I had graduated from school, I plan to continue studying to UNY. I plan to major in math. I am planning to study in UNY because I want to become a math teacher. Besides, my house is also close to UNY. Therefore, I diligently studied mathematics every day so that I can reach my ambition.
Sorry if any of the translations is wrong. Hope it helps!
EdmundoWhen I had graduated from school I plan to continue studying to UNY . I would also majored in mathematics . I want to study in UNY because she wants to be a teacher of mathematics , addition, my house is close to UNY . Therefore, I diligently studied mathematics every day so my goal is reached
Sorry if any of the translations is wrong. Hope it helps!