Tolong dibantu ya please banget. Saya ada lomba pidato dan naskah di kumpul hari ini. Kalau ini bener gk ya? Inggris : Perhaps anyoneof us ever watched the movie like Harry potter or Star Wars or the other movie that produced by Hollywood. When we saw it we though that the scene displayed or the selected location is astounding and make us want to take a trip there. However, not all the places in the movie are real. Even, in the fact of behind the scene of the film making, some scene is only done in a studio with green background that called green screen studio. Then the scene was recorded reprocessed using computer software up to create an amazing visual effect
Indonesia : Mungkin diantara kita pernah menonton film Harry Potter atau Star Wars atau film apapun produksi Hollywood. Ketika kita melihatnya kita berpikir adegan adegan yang ditampilkan atau lokasi yang dipilih sangatlah menakjubkan dan membuat kita ingin pergi ke sana. Namun, tidak semua tempat yang ada dalam cerita sungguh sungguh nyata, bahkan dari fakta fakta dibalik pembuatan film tersebut, bebrapa adegan hanya dilakukan di dalam studio berlatar hijau yang disebut studio green screen. Kemudian adegan yang telah direkam diolah kembali menggunakan software komputer hingga tercipta sebuah efek visual yang mengagumkan
Koreksi: pernah menonton = have ever watched When we saw it habis itu pakai koma berpikir = thought (bentuk past) in the fact of behind the scene disederhanain jadi the facts behind the scene up to maksudnya apa ya?
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Perhaps ONE of us WAS ever watched the MOVIES like Harry potter or Star Wars or the other movie WHICH produced by Hollywood. (passive simple past tense) When we saw it we THOUGHT that displayed SCENES or selected location WAS VERY AMAZING and MADE us want to take a trip there. However, not all the places in the movie WERE real. BUT, in the fact of behind the scene of the film making, some SCENES WERE only IN a studio with green background that called green screen studio. Then the recorded SCENES reprocessed using computer software UNTIL creatING an amazing visual effect
pernah menonton = have ever watched
When we saw it habis itu pakai koma
berpikir = thought (bentuk past)
in the fact of behind the scene disederhanain jadi the facts behind the scene
up to maksudnya apa ya?
When we saw it we THOUGHT that displayed SCENES or selected location WAS VERY AMAZING and MADE us want to take a trip there. However, not all the places in the movie WERE real. BUT, in the fact of behind the scene of the film making, some SCENES WERE only IN a studio with green background that called green screen studio. Then the recorded SCENES reprocessed using computer software UNTIL creatING an amazing visual effect