2)He is a graduate of Demund Institue of Technology, taking Computer Science as his major, it co-relates with his current job
3) He would be happy, considering the last phrase was full of excitement
4) By his resume, describing a lot about his technical skills
5) Recent means --- 》 newly happening
hope it helps ;)
1) ada di paragraph pertama, kalimat terakhir, dia bekerja sebagai Computer consultant
2) apa menurut mu tentang pekerjaan Raynold? jawabannya, dia kan lulusan Demins institute jurusan IT (computer science) dan juga kerjanya sebagai bagian konsultant komputer
3) Experience itu pengalaman kerja Rynold
4) gmn perusahaannya bisa bertemu rynold? karena Rynold sendiri yang kasih mereka resume
5) Arti RECENT itu apa sih? artinya, yang baru baru
1) Computer Consultant
2)He is a graduate of Demund Institue of Technology, taking Computer Science as his major, it co-relates with his current job
3) He would be happy, considering the last phrase was full of excitement
4) By his resume, describing a lot about his technical skills
5) Recent means --- 》 newly happening
hope it helps ;)
1) ada di paragraph pertama, kalimat terakhir, dia bekerja sebagai Computer consultant
2) apa menurut mu tentang pekerjaan Raynold? jawabannya, dia kan lulusan Demins institute jurusan IT (computer science) dan juga kerjanya sebagai bagian konsultant komputer
3) Experience itu pengalaman kerja Rynold
4) gmn perusahaannya bisa bertemu rynold? karena Rynold sendiri yang kasih mereka resume
5) Arti RECENT itu apa sih? artinya, yang baru baru