Plato was the son of Ariston and Perictione. He was bom to an aristocratic family in Athens When Pläto was a child. his father died, and his mother married Pyrilampes, who was an associate of the stateman Pericles
As a young man, Plato had political ambitions, but he became disillusioned by the political leadurship im Athens He then studied about the basic philosophy and dialectical style of debate under the guidance of Socrates,
In 399 BC, Plato witnessed the death of Socrates at the hands of the Athenian democracy. After that. he left Athens temporarily and travelled to Italy, Sicily, and Egypt because he was afraid of the Athenian democracy In 387, Piato studied in an Academy in Athens, the institution often described as the first European university, It provided a comprehensive curriculum. There, he studied astronomy, biology, mathematics, political theory, and philosophy. Aristotle was the Academy's most prominent student. As he wanted to pursue the opportunity to combine philoshophy and practical politics, Plato went to Sicily in 367. He went to teach the new ruler of Syracuse, Dionysius the Younger. He taught him the art of philosophical rule However, the experiment failed. After that, he spent his life writing and lecturing at the Academy In 348 or 347 BC, he died at about the age of 80 in Athens
9. The text mainly focuses on Plato's biography. (Jawaban B)
Bukti kalimat
Dalam paragraf 1 berisi masa kecil plato
Dalam paragraf 2 berisi ambisi politik plato
Dalam paragraf 3 berisi pendidikan sampai meninggal
Jadi, teks berisi biografi plato.
10. According to the text, Pyrilampes is Plato's step father. (Jawaban D)
Bukti kalimat "his father died, and his mother married Pyrilampes."
Yang artinya "ayahnya meninggal dan ibunya menikah lagi dengan Pyrilampes."
Jadi, Pyrilampes adalah ayah tiri si plato.
11. What made Plato leave Athens for a moment?
Jawaban C. He felt insecure because of Athenian democracy.
Bukti kalimat "left Athens temporarily and travelled to Italy, Sicily, and Egypt because he was afraid of the Athenian democracy In 387,"
Yang artinya "dia meninggalkan Athena untuk sementara dan melakukan perjalanan ke Italia, Sisilia, dan Mesir karena dia takut dengan demokrasi Athena Pada tahun 387,
Jadi, dia merasa takut dengan demokrasi yang terjadi di athena.
12. .. but he became disillusioned by the palitical leadership in Athens." (paragraph 2) The underlined word can be replaced with disappointed. (Jawaban D)
Bukti disillusioned = kecewa
A spent = menghabiskan
B. lived = tinggal
C. served = melayani
D. disappointed = kecewa
Jadi, yang sama maknanya D. kecewa
13. He went to teach the new ruler of Syracuse" The underlined word can be replaced by leader. (Jawaban A)
Verified answer
9. The text mainly focuses on Plato's biography. (Jawaban B)
Bukti kalimat
Jadi, teks berisi biografi plato.
10. According to the text, Pyrilampes is Plato's step father. (Jawaban D)
Jadi, Pyrilampes adalah ayah tiri si plato.
11. What made Plato leave Athens for a moment?
Jawaban C. He felt insecure because of Athenian democracy.
Jadi, dia merasa takut dengan demokrasi yang terjadi di athena.
12. .. but he became disillusioned by the palitical leadership in Athens." (paragraph 2) The underlined word can be replaced with disappointed. (Jawaban D)
Bukti disillusioned = kecewa
Jadi, yang sama maknanya D. kecewa
13. He went to teach the new ruler of Syracuse" The underlined word can be replaced by leader. (Jawaban A)
Bukti ruler = penguasa
Jadi, yang sama A. pemimpin = penguasa
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Reading Comprehension:
Detail Jawaban
Kelas: 9
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Materi: Reading
Kode: 9.5